
Here you can find links of my posts in English short introductions for each one.

It’s gotta be true, because data says so: We should be more skeptical about statistics! It’s better not to overly believe in statistics, because data says so. (For the original version published on The Minskys, click here)

How to impeach Trump? Learn from a Middle Easterner: Americans are really incompetent when it comes to toppling authoritarian guys down. So they'd better learn how to do that from more experienced people. Even an average Middle Eastern can help you with that. Here are some essential tips on how to do the real impeachment. (This post has been published on Facebook)
Academia vs. Journalism: Though I haven't completed the choosing process ultimately, after trailers of both lifestyles, I've tried to tell my personal observations. (For the original version published on SOAS Blog,  click here.)

8 Golden tips that will make you an expert on Turkish politics Do you want to have a say in Turkish politics? Do the political discussions on Turkey seem too complicated? Can't you find anything to add when someone is talking about Turkey? Don't feel isolated, you can become an expert in 5 minutes! I just scanned major international outlets and found the common elements of Turkey analyses. Here is your guide. (For the original version on The International Interest, click here.)

Turks becoming the new 'devil' of Europe (For the original version, click here). The rise of far-right across the Europe needed a "devil" to establish itself upon, and Muslim Turks were the perfect candidates.

Echoes of Rasputin in the Modern World (For the original version, click here): Raspution of Russia, Choi of South Korea, and Gülen of Turkey: How can spiritual frauds take control of states?

World Bank 2016 Global Economic Perspectives Report: Weak investment in uncertain times (For the original version, click here)

Academic Life. Is it a miserable life or a desirable one?

damn cycle of the internet . Hard to escape vicious cycle of the internet, especially while studying.


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